Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Strange Merdeka Month?

Here I am listening to ‘megadeth’ and the creepy thing is our city is running out of flags. Aren’t this are supposed to be merdeka month? But it’s probably merrier in the west side of Malaysia, so the people of borneo suddenly realized its better to celebrate on the 16th of September since it’s Malaysia day.

It’s strange here others would suggest celebrating on august and some would do on September. Like symphony of destruction tune goes “you put a mortal man and put him in control, watch him become a god”. Life is governed by something that I don’t have any clue, but I believed that the governors or the architects of ‘Life’ are responsible for some of our lives. We are born in a system, we have code, we have syntax, yet some of us are going against the system. Virus!

I have got to get out of this political avenue, it suited me bad, I’m no leader. I think people are ‘politicalized’ too much. Turn on tv what so we see? First headline? POLITICS! There’s more to life than this. Budu kan…. Nga amu obuli juga lari, we are governed. So enjoy your stay here at the system and let us enjoy searching for the perfect program to be with or to bite. It won't crash if we just a small part of it.

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