Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kotobian Tadau Raya

Wishing all people around the world not only to muslims a happy raya, as for Malaysians enjoy the holidays. Remember to drive safely and travel safe till destination. Not much to say just;
“tunudon ku ohopod tunturu ku moki ampun kuma dikoyu nung haro kasalaan yoku om kotobian tadau raya kuma dikoyu.” Bah ngam laitu.

P/s- I see glitters of light in every human’s heart for it is a festive to come not just for the excitement but for the apologies and forgiveness as we shall seek as well as give. Ye whom speak of pain will put an end as we will embrace the hearts of the broken mend and laughter till dusk we shall see.


Yoku said...

ba, kotobian tadau raya kumaa sid dikaa ki.

Anonymous said...

angpow mana.? sa tidak mau seplusin..

citizenSierra said...

Uii... kasi la ba taruk gambar yg ok sikit. Tau la ur simulating the cyclops effect...

AragangTandik said...

wah lama suda aku tunggu ni berita baru nda da ka?

Mu Rong said...

itulah itu.. macam belalang besawang beabuk sudah oo ni blog ni teda kana update hahaha...

badrogon sudah misisinta di bawah kulung tidak mau tulis blog lagi?

looking foward to the next post.